My Story
Jennifer Nuzzo
A little note before we get started..... I would not be where I am today without the love, support, and guidance from my family, friends, colleagues, clients, and my community. I am forever grateful for all of you. Thank you for believing in me.
I was born in New Haven, Ct and grew up in Wallingford, CT. It was a great town to grow up in, we had great teachers, great coaches, and great neighbors. What more could you ask for?
I graduated from Southern Ct University and landed a full-time teaching job in Middletown, Ct as a P.E. and Health educator. I taught for 8 years before relocating to Sedona, AZ. I had never lived outside of Ct until then. What are the people like? The weather? What the heck would I do in the desert?
While in Arizona, I was helping my father run his restaurant; working retail at a camera shop, and managing a gym. I was tired of juggling jobs so I decided to get my personal training certificate and transition into personal training full-time. I quickly learned that working as a full-time personal trainer is not all it's cracked up to be. You never know how much money you will make at any given time and your schedule is constantly changing. Luckily I enjoyed it enough to stick with it. A large part was due to the wonderful role models I had at the gym. I watched how the trainers cued, encouraged, and challenged their clients. I learned what type of trainer I wanted to be and it wasn't one that would be pigeon-holed into a current fitness fad. My clients needs were different therefore requiring a diverse approach in their training. I wanted my approach to fitness to be know as individualized, unique, and open to everyone.
What could I possibly call my business? ;) Ahhh, I've got it!! DiversaFit!!
April 2019 - March 2020
I opened a fitness studio in my hometown of Wallingford, CT in April of 2019 and it was AWESOME! I was located on the main street, I had fantastic instructors, my clients were amazing, and I was having an absolute BLAST throwing fundraisers for the local community chapters. I was being interviewed by local newspapers and podcasters, I was throwing ROCKING fitness parties, and my studio was a finalist in the Reader’s Choice Awards. I mean the list goes on. I was CRUSHING it!! And then…. BAM, yup you guessed it, freakin’ Covid. I was only a few weeks away from throwing an EPIC one year anniversary party and people were SUPER excited about it, but POOF! Just like that, everything I had built was gone.
March 2020 - December 2021
Covid definitely hindered me from sharing my passion of movement with others. However, I managed to keep my business going thanks to virtual options, but It never filled the void of having my own studio and working face to face with my clients.
January 2022 - May 2022
Dr. Tracy Malton, opened the Health Bank in Wallingford and I was able to train clients in person at her establishment from January-May of 2022. I was fortunate to be a part of a collaborative community and I was grateful for the opportunity but COVID wasn't quite done with us. I feared another outbreak so I downsized to a smaller space.
June 2022 - April 2023
With my parents aging, I took the opportunity to transform the downstairs office in their home into a small fitness space. It was fun while it lasted but I started to outgrow the space. This prompted me to look for rental properties.
I was still leary of opening another space because of everything that had happened in 2020.
March 2023
Mom and I went to grab some lunch one day and decided one of Vinny's roast beef sandwiches would hit the spot. When we pulled into the parking Iot, I noticed a building that was being renovated so I decided to go peek in the window. When Mom and I saw a "for rent" sign we looked at each other and said, "let's go talk to Vinny". (Apparently Mom was one of Vinny's first customers when he opened some 40 years ago; a fun fact I had no knowledge of until we walked in and Vinny greeted my Mom by name). We inquired about the building and to make a long story short, 549 Center St is now the official home of DiversaFit!!
May 2023
I held a soft opening in mid-May and things just took off from there. I love my new space and get compliments on it all the time. It will never replace my first studio but it's mine and I love it!! I never thought I would be fortunate enough to start over but here I am. I guess hard work, perseverance, and a little help from guardian angels really do make anything possible!
Master of Arts in Education/Minor in Liberal Arts
St. Joseph's College West Hartford, CT 2008
Bachelor of Arts in Psychology/Minor in Criminal Justice
Southern Connecticut State University New Haven, CT 1997
Certified Connecticut Physical Education and Health Teacher K-12
Southern Connecticut State University New Haven, CT 2000
ISSA Certified Personal Trainer 2012
ISSA Certified BOSU/TRX Instructor 2014
ISSA Certified Yoga Instructor 2020
Certified Rock Climbing Belay 2000
Certified Pickleball and Tennis Instructor 2000
Certified CPR/First Aid/AED American Heart Association